Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Zombie Movie of the Week (September 12-18)

The Horde (Yannick Dahan and Benjamin Rocher, 2009) 5 out of 6 Bullets, 4 out of 4 Blood Splats

Finally after many attempts of sifting through the dross zombie movies that accumulate on Netflix I found a fracking gem! The Horde! At first glance and noob user ratings on Netflix (which can never be trusted) it sounds like a B budget, but I assure you it is not! This movie is filled with all types of great zombie scenes perfect for the zombie lovers out there. I should mention that is its subtitled since its French and that the main girl in it is freaking not hot, but once you are past that its truly a great zombie movie! I was considering giving it six out of six bullets but there is one scene in a hallway that includes three dude harassing a girl zombie and they just take it to far for my liking, luckily it only lasts a few minutes. Anywho, the blood is spectacular; very real looking, mostly prop blood and the blood that isn't prop looks great too. The plot is basic, but the action starts right away. One thing I really liked in this movie is that it has a lot of hand to hand combat with zombies, like legitimately fighting for your life with your fists, very cool. My favorite scene is right when the zombie action starts, lets just say it involves a shotgun and a face. And I also have to give a shout-out to the pony tail dude who takes on two zombies with his combat skills, freaking awesome! Enjoy!

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